How Music & Business are Similar

Here we go with my very first video out to the world! Watch for a cool comparison between business and music that will help you get the right perspective.

And, check out my little surprise!! Practice, practice, practice correlates in any area. If you’ve ever heard the saying, “The only way to get to Carnegie Hall is to practice, practice, practice.”, it’s true!

Same goes with running a successful business. You need to learn the different business-building techniques such as attracting your ideal clients, gracefully taking them through the sales process without being salesy or pushy, generating the leads in the first place, and maybe even public speaking.  All of these techniques need to be mastered, just like anyone wanting to be proficient on a musical instrument.









  1. Barbara Dowling

    Hey Wendi!

    Great video and loved your musical comparison! You play clarinet super fantastic! Looking forward to more of your musical tips! Glad the QSC got you moving…I know it got me to finally take action! Wish you continued success!

    • wendi

      Hi, Barbara! Thanks for checking out my blog! I will check yours out as well! This was a great program even though it was $20! 🙂
